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1.1 Planning/Strategy/Policy
Control as comprehensive to ensure the target achievement as well as settled in the contract between the Assignment giver with the Planner and Contractor, that is the Cost Control, Quality, and Time.

1.2 Monitoring, Expediting and Execution
Ensure the communication traffics both ways between all the parties, which involved. Project management will making a rule play until can be implement the part as mentioned above, to that, the Project management need a strength to act (Execution) if any, others party which can not implement the assignment properly according the target. It means, The Assignment giver, Project management / Construction management needs to agreed a system and time limit in the decision-making.

1.3 The Assignment examination of Project management
We will explain in more detail the assignment of Project management to each stage: The Program/Master Plan, The Design & Engineering, also the Construction.


The Construction management emphasizing assignment is choosing, recommendation, Coordinating and monitoring the Contractor/Sub-Contractor.

The important principal which become a responsibility are:

  • Coordinating and Monitoring.
  • Ensure the Procurement of the materials.
  • Implement the payment process.
  • Implement the material testing.
  • Ensure the security and working safety implement with determine of a good working discipline.

In the same manner as Project Management matter, so the Construction Management also have an authorization to act in a certain circumstance, where any indication of having the divergence which will inflict a financial loss of the project.



1.1 With the Assignment giver, Project management discuss the principal policy matters in the project handling, which is: scheduling, financing, material procurement, man power, equipment, implementation, operating, quality and project category etc.

1.2 Collecting different data and information from the Assignment giver with the question list (Questionnaire) and others to processing becomes a Term Of Reference (TOR).

1.3 Searching the different data and information which relate with the project such as:

  • Data location includes soil, and soil test.
  • Material resources, manpower, equipment, etc.
  • Province rules etc.

1.4 Discuss and suggestion of the consultant type which need by the project and processing the existence (Pre-qualification, Selection, etc) including to prepare the contract.

1.5 Scheduling and Lead the coordination meeting between all the parties that involve in the project according to the stage.

1.6 Preparing the MP contract with the Assignment giver, Working Partner, Technical advisor, etc.

1.7 Implement the Cost Trending and remind the divergence possibility from the first planned estimation.

1.8 Keep the limitation, which determine such as, development in phase, time of implementation not to be broken or ignore.


2.1 Arrange the TOR and giving to the Planning Manager and the Planner, include:

  • Outline Schedule
  • Master Budget
  • Outline Specs
  • Function and performance of the structure

2.2 Discuss the Planning result with the Assignment giver, giving a comment and correction along with returning to the planning manager to be process furthermore.

2.3 Along with the staff inspecting that the Planning already made base on the TOR and the rules, which is still valid.

2.4 Ensure that the coordination meeting of planning already implements by Planning manager with gain an input from the Construction management.


3.1 Request the Planning manager and Planner to make a planning development with alternative also checking from aspect of performance, cost, technical implementation, schedule etc, with the input from the Construction management.

3.2 After inspection with the staff, the best alternative will continuous develop to be an auction document.

3.3 With the CM determine the work packages also make a suggestion to Assignment giver.


4.1 Ensure the coordination implement of the Planning Manager with the planner team of entire discipline with other part (specification, cost contract administration) with input gain from the CM.

4.2 Reporting the design development in each job to the Assignment giver and redirect the comments from Assignment giver to planning manager.

4.3 Arranging and leading the coordination meeting between Assignment giver with Planning Team, CM and others.

4.4 Ensure that entire activity, arrangement and agreement are carried out in time.

4.5 Inspect that the value of each working package not over budget which already defined.

4.6 Preparing an instruction to the auction participant, monthly report, which includes the schedule and the matters, which have a technical nature from the planner team.

4.7 Ensure and remind to the planner Team, that since the auction document are given, the entire alteration toward the dimension, location, a cut detail, material, etc, already appropriate with the plan at first.


5.1 Helping the Assignment giver in doing the pre-qualification of contractor partnership, which will follow in the tender.

5.2 Preparing the procedure strategy and auction schedule according to the rule, which is valid.

5.3 Preparing a bid evaluation system, which will be, use, to be approving by Assignment giver.

5.4 Arrange the explain meeting (aanwijzing) and coordinating the team to be accompany.

5.5 Make the evaluation recommendation of tender winner report to Assignment giver.

5.6 Inspect and make a Working Order Letter and the Contractor Contract Agreement Letter.

5.7 Inspect and signed a letter of field transfer and permit to begin implementation of the work which prepared by CM.


6.1 Along with the CM preparing a policy and construction strategy / Implementation which implement in stage with observe toward environment impact.

6.2 Arrange and lead a schedule meeting with the Assignment giver, Contractor, Planner Team and CM, with the other institution which involve in the project.

6.3 Informing the Assignment giver when a critical matters appears which influence the work completion, with arranging a discussion to searching a completion.

6.4 Inspect and signed payment certificate, certificate of first delivery, second, to be re direct to Assignment giver.

6.5 Ensure of the testing and commissioning implement with observe by the Planner Team and CM also reported to the Assignment giver.

6.6 Helping the Assignment giver, if any a problem with the contractor, example a claim, Penalty, etc.


7.1 Programming the exercise with the operator candidate.

7.2 Helping to preparing the manual.


The concept are coordinating three main function that is:

  1. Preparation
  2. Planning (Design)
  3. Procurement
  4. Implementation (Construction)

3.1 In the implement activity, emphasize in order to worked - by Contractor specialist or project are handle by many Contractor, listen, selecting the appropriate construction method.

3.2 Planning Consultant can be one or several consultant, which prepares the implementation document in the packages appropriate with the working order and appropriate with the amount of the specialist contractor.

3.3 This method will giving a hope that the work will complete much faster and much economical cost.


C.1.1 Along with the PM arrange the strategy, which involve the project implementation including the equipment placement such as Tower Crane, etc. This Strategy will give a motif in the job, planning and tied up the Contractor work in the equipment placement in the field.

C.1.2 With the PM arrange the strategy, which involve the procurement work, and packages divide, which synchronize with the cash flow and schedule once. This Strategy will influence the amount of utilization and discipline type of consultant also the amount and type of the contractor specialist once.

C.1.3 Emphasize the importance of Site Engineering and preparation work coordinate with the concerning of environment impact such as: · Equipment noise with the vibration, · Waste water disposal, trash and dust, · The safety of the work and the surroundings neighborhood.

C.1.4 CM giving input on the matters that involve in the contract to be appropriate with the strategy above also making a safety articles when working barrier appear on the job which in either partner.


C.2.1 Arranging an administrative system and procedure, which organize the relation, inter planning consultant, Contractor, Supplier, Construction management, and implement/carried out the procedure, which agreed together.

C.2.2 Coordination between plan and implementation, matching the planning, and design also giving a instructions on the planner as look like until the function are appropriate with the schedule witch agreed.

C.2.3 Suggesting the work packages are divide in appropriate with the fund which available.

C.2.4 the implementation as look until the time, which determine not carried out.

C.2.5 Giving an input, opinion, consideration of planning which made by Planning Consultant.

C.2.6 Studied the entire document, which already prepared by Planner as the planning document and tender document which less coverage. - Drawings of the planning and the calculation, - Work planning drawing and the detail, - RKS (Specification), - Time scheduling of the construction project. This is including the assignment of the field condition introduction to the contractor candidate.

C.2.7 Giving an explanation in the time of Aanwijzíng the matters, which relate with the road entrance, and the equipment layout also the other matters which relate with the working stage and the terms of environment impact.


C.3.1 Determine the reference points in the field for the Contractor at the time of poling and then inspect and make validate of position the pole, which made by the Contractor.

C.3.2 Delivering also supervise the preparation work of Contractor which including:

  • Fence yard
  • Road entrance material/person
  • Material ware house lay-out, and others helping tools
  • MCK and Clean water Supplying
  • Supplying temporary trash place
  • Organize the security
  • Implementer Office and worker barrack
  • Channel of dirty water disposal in the site and out the site.

C.3.3 Supervising and take a responsibility in order to the work implementation which carry out by the Contractor/Supplier appropriate with the specification, quality, cost, and time which determine in the contract of planning from the work packages.

C.3.4 Make an adjustment of the work implementation schedule, which must followed by the Contractor, observe and keep the schedule.

C.3.5 Inspect and study the working plan of the contractor.

C.3.6 Arrange and determine work space including the supporting facility to each contractor which relate with the place of material heap, temporary warehouse, workshop in the field, office barrack, field to manufacturer etc.

C.3.7 Establish the coordination meeting with the Contractor; also invite the planner and Assignment giver, minimum once a week.

C.3.8 Inspect and agreed the working progress in the field and in order the Announcement Agenda the payment certificate if already appropriate with the contract.

C.3.9 Submitted to the Assignment giver if there is a change/addition or intercept the desire of the Assignment giver if there is any a desire for the change are deliver to the Contractor.

C.3.10 Examine carefully every mechanical and electrical installation which relate about readiness the system although the operation toward the testing and Start-Up.


C.4.1 Repairing Checklist after the first deliver each work package and supervise during the maintenance implementation.

C.4.2 Making report in the implementation application of a repairing/rehabilitation defect and uncompleted

C.4.3 Do the Supervising during the maintenance period.

C.4.4 Preparing the Announcement Agenda of the second/last deliver of each working package.

C.4.5 Instructed the Contractor to immediately make As - Built documents, also inspect and take the responsibility of the genuine of the document and the drawer by the Contractor as As-built drawing. As built documents are the carried out draws from each working package which already appropriate with the technical guide.

C.4.6 Making final report include the final account of the on going project.

C.4.7 Ensure of carried out the training for the Assignment giver technician by the Contractor before the working deliver in second time.


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